Friday, February 4, 2011

Flip-Flop Friday, Like, Like...Like what the hell?

So, the other day I was at my sons basketball practice, he's eight and in an upward league. I was sitting out in the lobby of the church where the gym was and as usual evesdropping on people's conversations. There was one in particular that prompted me to stop everything and write this entry. I can handle a lot of bad things in a persons ability to communicate to another. But, there are some words that people for some reason insist on over using. One such word is 'like'. When did 'like' become so popular?

This woman was having a conversation with another lady working at the check in desk. She was rather country and was discussing financial matters (that's a subject for another whole post, she won't be advising me any time soon) and must have dropped the word 'like' into her conversation no less than 20 times in a minute. I WANTED TO SHOOT MYSELF! It was actually disturbing and I wasn't even in the conversation.

What has made 'like' such a great word that it should be uttered nearly once every three seconds. I thought that I would look it up:

verb, noun, adjective \ˈlīk\
liked lik·ing

transitive verb
1: chiefly dialect : to be suitable or agreeable to ex. I like onions but they don't like me
2a: to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in : enjoy ex. likes baseball
b: to feel toward : regard ex. how would you like a change
3: to wish to have : want ex. would like a drink
4: to do well in ex. my car does not like cold weather

First off, I have to say, 'like' is pretty impressive. I mean, a verb, a noun and an adjective. Really how many words can make that claim. It's not a very long word, so it has to make up where it can. But, some of the examples that it gives for uses were not so impressive.

Ryan, from Waxed Red Threads would appreciate the the example in number 1, but the example for 2a made me laugh. Really that's what the example is, baseball! As an adult I could think of some better examples that I find attraction in or take pleasure in...if you know what I mean.

I found 2b to be confusing, maybe I'm an idiot, 'How would you like a change'. At first I thought maybe the 'a' was supposed to be a 'to', but than I thought maybe its a question for doctors asking a male that wants to be a female or vice versa.

As far as 3 goes, who wishes for a drink except maybe an alcoholic. I don't think that I have ever wished for a drink, if I had that better be some damn good RFK! Actually, I take it all back. I've been hiking more than once in the middle of the summer and I was dying for a drink! I stand corrected.

However, I thought 4 was the best. Unless this is Night Rider and my car's name is KIT, I'm pretty sure that my car could care less whether it was cold or hot outside. I know what you're saying, "You are way to critical on 'like'", not really. It has to live up to its definition!

So, anyway, i have to give 'like' some love, but it's overuse by young people is out of control and generally when it's used, I think it's being used improperly.

-"Do you like, know what I mean, like this guy said.."
-"I was at the super market like going down the aisle and like they were out of cheetos.."
-"Like, what did you say?"

I don't know, maybe I'm just stupid...but like I'm out!

1 comment:

  1. I think there is a definition of "like" missing. I think "like" can be used to compare something to something else (I know - I'm a great "definer"). I use it like this and you use it like that ;)

    Umm - never mind, I'm like - feeling dumber as I write this. ;-)
