Friday, January 21, 2011

Flip-Flop Friday, 'Photographs'

I noticed in a lot of other blogs that it is fairly common to take a day of the week, think of some catchy name for it and post some common theme on that day each week. Not to be outdone (not really, I could care less, but I think the idea of it is pretty cool), I have created Flip-Flop Fridays where I will post something that I find 'irksome' in this world.

Do you know what I can't stand? I can't stand when people dump all the photos from their camera onto FB without even looking at them. It's freaking ridiculous!

Photographs are a great way to help convey a story. Writing about it, is one thing, but when you can give people a snapshot into your life, it's a great tool to help them appreciate what you are doing. I love to take photos and I love to look at photos, but please for the sake of everyone's sanity, take a little time and weed out the photos that don't belong.

For instance,

I understand that you might think this photo of your freind doing there best strip tease impression on a moving train is cool, and it would be...IF IT WERE IN FREAKING FOCUS! Here's another one,

Again, I'm sure doing the rain dance in full indian garb is awesome, but if this is supposed to be in 3D, you're going to have to provide me with some of those cheesy 7/11 3D glasses!

So, Rule 1: If it aint in focus, don't post it, you're just wasting my time. This next photo actually breaks Rule 1 and Rule 2: If it's a picture that everyone is going to ask, "What the hell is it?" every time, don't post it.

This photo actually looks like the photographer was walking around and the camera accidentally shot this shot! Begging me to ask, "What the hell is it?"

The next rule, doesn't have an example because it doesn't need one. Rule 3: I only need to see a shot once to get the picture. One of my friends posted I don't know, like 20-30 shots of the same view of the Statue of Liberty! Are you out of your mind! Hey, when I shoot something that I think is worthwhile, I snap two to three shots to make sure that I've got at least one good one. I go home, download the photos and keep the one that is the best, not all three.

This next photo loosely fits under Rule 3, but there will be an amendment that says, you should limit the number of weird photos of the same type of thing or people will start to think somethings wrong with you. A friend (now I think she's weird) posted from a cruise several photos of things that the towels were made into. This was the weirdest of them all, which frankly I could hardly tell on any of them what the towel shapes were supposed to be.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sort of looks like a penis trying to escape the banana hammock that it's in. I REALLY don't need to see that, I'm pretty sure that no one else does either.

Rule 4 goes something like this, I've seen pictures, like the one below, that are in focus and I get what's going on, but I have to question, "Why this shot?". This in my opinion is a stupid photo. There are others of him that are in focus, from the front that show him opening the present.

What am I supposed to see here, the nicely wrapped presents, this kid's ginormous dome, the toy, the fact that he can tear the paper,....WHAT? Again, a colossal waste of my time.

So, next time you get ready to post those photos to FB that you just can't wait for your friends to see, STOP, take a moment, go through them and the four rules I've mentioned above. If they fail the rules, than don't post them. You'll be doing all of us a huge favor!


  1. Thank you for this. I giggled the whole time.

  2. Isn't that a bat towel animal? Good idea with the Flip Flop Friday thing - i always try to get a day of the week dedicated to one thing, but I never remember what it was

  3. You're guess is as good as mine, but you are probably right! I enjoy thinking of the topics for FFF, I just hope I can keep coming up with something each week.
